Tag Archives: The Paper Players

Fancy Blue Lotus Blossom – PP225

More new stamps!! Here is one of the Sale-a-Bration sets you can earn for free starting in January, Lotus Blossom.
I decided to do something “fancy” this time, from The Paper Players #225: Nance’s Black Tie Theme Challenge! The idea was to do a holiday project that was fancy…. so I thought sparklie would be just right!

Here is the challenge theme:

And… ta da!  here is my fancy blue holiday card:

Nobody says you can’t have blue flowers. In fact, one of my favorite sets from years ago, “Roses in Winter”, was spectacular when done in blues! One day I’ll dig out that card I made that I liked so much.
For this card, I used the new Sale-a-Bration set, “Lotus Blossom”. It’s a 3 step stamp set, where you layer the stamp images on top of each other when you stamp. In this case I used 3 different blues. Night of Navy, Pacific Point and Marina Mist. The stems are Old Olive and Mossy Meadow. I cut everything out and layered it with dimensionals. The sentiment is from the “Watercolor Winter Too” set (that coordinates with the Watercolor Winter Simply Created Kit). I purposely left the background a bit plain so the focus would be on the flowers. I thought this was pretty nice and fancy.

Bonus: To limit it to only the new stamps coming out in January, I actually switched out the sentiment with one from the “Sheltering Tree” set that I used in this card here.
Here is that version:

I only inked up part of the stamp with White Craft ink, and then used white embossing powder on it. The punches layer perfectly, it’s the Word Window on top of the Modern Label. Then, I used some Dazzling details to glitter up the flowers themselves.
